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Bring Out the Scissors

Sometimes you don't know what you need until you need it. And other times you don't know what has been standing in your way until you remove it. This quote from an amnesiac heroine made me wonder:

What does tape-free leadership look like?
What practices can you forget to move things forward?
What can you remove that would make things easier?
How might you connect, repair, or join without tape -- red, duct, electrical, and otherwise?

The "next normal" is asking us to question and reframe many of the things we thought we knew. For businesses and the workforce, that requires removing pre-conceived ideas and practices. It asks us to imagine solutions before we have all the data. And it requires creativity and imagination.

So go ahead. Imagine a tape-free business, an obstacle-free work flow, and new ways of solving old problems. You might find by getting out the scissors and cutting away all the red tape that is holding you back, editing the hard stuff and forgetting how business is supposed to work actually moves you forward. To build a business that gets to the "good stuff" quicker, it may be time to discard the tape dispenser for a glue stick and update your repair kit by adopting easier ways of working.

Break the Tape Leadership helps leaders unleash creativity and potential in themselves and the organizations they lead to generate meaningful momentum.

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