Want to Create a Growth Plan?
Break the Tape Leadership is committed to refining the role of creativity as a growth strategy, both in the world of business and through individual leadership. That led to a survey and a framework
to measure two variables:
Actions & Connections
The early findings speak to the power of bringing specific actions and connections in alignment to drive both creativity and growth.
Unlike conventional wisdom, when it comes to leadership it's not an "either/or" but an "and" strategy.
When you add discipline, that creates momentum.
And from momentum comes growth.
Take the survey and become part of the seminal data set.
Your information will be confidential and aggregated and
you can opt-in to receive updates on what we learn.
Privacy: Survey participant's information will be anonymous and aggregated as part of a data set. Should you opt to fill out the optional contact form, Break the Tape Leadership will not share that information with any other entity. By opting in with your personal information, you agree to receive periodic updates on Break the Tape Leadership methodology. You can opt out at any time.